
Little girl holding two glasses of water - one dirty and one clean

Clean water is so much more than just something to drink

Here's what our water systems are achieving...


liters of clean water provided since 2019 and still counting ...

functionality rate for our water systems
reduction in average time to collect water
reduction in average distance to collect water
business owners report our systems help their businesses
women and men share equally the responsibility of water collection
renewable energy used to power our systems

Our Stories

Our work directly contributes to multiple UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Clean Water and Sanitation

Water Compass’ solar-powered water supply systems provide a reliable and sustainable source of clean water for communities. In 2020, WC’s water systems achieved a functionality rate of 99.86%. Having a reliable source of water makes a huge difference to families. 100% of households served by Water Compass’ confirmed that their lives had been improved by the water systems.

Good Health and Wellbeing

Quality Education

The lack of a clean and accessible source of water has a profound impact on children’s education. Each year, children miss 443 million school days due to water-related illnesses. Also, many children often miss school time while collecting water for their families. Water Compass’ water systems reduce the time taken to collect water by 71% which translates into more time spent in school by children.

Gender Equality

According to the UN, women and girls shoulder the burden of water collection for 80% of water-deprived households. Following the construction of Water Compass’ solar-powered water systems, and the significant improvement in water access, we’ve observed the responsibility for water collection is shared equally between women and men: 50%-50%.

Decent Work and Economic Growth

Access to water is critical for economic growth. 100% of business-owners surveyed during our impact assessment claim that Water Compass’ water systems improved their businesses. Additionally, Water Compass provides consistent and reliable income for our Local Agent in each community, providing a monthly commission for the water credit they sell.

Industry Innovation and Infrastructure

Water supply infrastructure is the most essential service communities require for health, prosperity and growth. Water Compass builds reliable and sustainable water systems to serve communities in the long term. Water Compass also uses innovative technology, such as solar-powered digital payment systems to ensure equitable access to clean water.

SDG 11
Sustainable Cities and Communities

Water Compass’ solar-powered water supply systems contribute significantly to making communities resilient and sustainable. The exclusive use of renewable energy sources and quality, local materials in our construction helps to ensure the resilience of water systems and their continued operation and service.

SDG 13
Climate Action

Water Compass seeks to ensure we do not contribute to the causes of climate change by exclusively using renewable energy sources to power our water systems. We also use groundwater, as opposed to surface water, which is less susceptible to the impacts of climate change and provides a more reliable source of water for communities.  

Download our most recent annual report

2023 Annual Report
2022 Annual Report
2021 Annual Report
2020 Annual Report
2019 Annual Report

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